Brake Repair

Brake Repair

Auto Service in Fredericksburg, Virginia and Brodhead, Wisconsin

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Brake Services

Brake Repair

Anti-Lock Braking System, more commonly known as the ABS System, contains wheel speed sensors. The sensors are located on the wheel hubs or wheel bearings and monitors wheel speed. It works with the electronic brake control module to keep your wheels from locking up when you brake. Our Auto Brake Services Include: Full Brake Inspections Brake Rotor Replacements Front Disc Brake Repair Parking Brake Adjustment Rear Disc Brake Repair Rear Drum Brake Repair


Ask your service adviser to check the ABS wheel sensor during a routine brake service. If your ABS warning light comes on, have the sensors checked right away. If the ABS sensor is not working correctly, your anti-lock braking system will not protect you in an emergency. Ignoring a faulty ABS sensor will lead to bigger problems with the electronic control module, and the entire system might need to be replaced. From a safety standpoint, a broken ABS sensor will decrease your ability to stop in an emergency. There is no environmental impact from an ABS wheel sensor replacement. Let Systech Automotive help make sure your vehicle is operating with optimal safety!

Benefits Of Vehicle Brake Repair

When your brakes are in need of repair or replacement they will display warning signs alerting you that you may be in need of brake maintenance. If your brakes are making a squealing or grinding noise when driving, then your brake pads may be worn and require replacements. If your car is pulling to one side when braking, then this may be a sign of worn brakes, a bad caliper, or  it could be low brake fluid in the brake lines.  SysTech Automotives mechanics are trained experts in maintaining and servicing front and rear brake systems and all accompanying brake components like brake pads, brake shoes, parking brakes, rotors, drums, and hydraulic systems. If you are experience any signs or symptoms of failing brakes, please contact us online or call us today to have your brakes inspected immediately.

SysTech Automotive offers Brake Repair in Fredericksburg, Virginia & Brodhead, Wisconsin.

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