Tire Services

Tire Services

Auto Service in Fredericksburg, Virginia and Brodhead, Wisconsin

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Tire Services

Tire Services

Tires don’t last forever, and the two main reasons for replacement are wear and damage. Inspect Them Regularly There are several ways to inspect your tires. You can visually check their general condition and look for abnormal and uneven wear patterns. You can also perform the “penny test” or check if the “wear bars” are visible, to see if there’s sufficient tread remaining to safely operate the vehicle under all driving conditions. The “penny test” works because the distance between the rim of the penny and Lincoln’s head is 1/16 of an inch, the minimum required tread depth. When your tire tread is less than 1/16 inch, your vehicle can develop handling problems or complete loss of control in poor road conditions.

Recommendations & Benefits

Installing new tires will not only increase your car’s fuel efficiency, but also improve your car’s handling, braking ability and ride quality. Tires may last 20,000 to 80,000 miles, depending upon quality and composition. That is why it is so important to regularly inspect your tires between these intervals.  When you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, it’s time to replace those tires! Bring them into SysTech Automotive and we’ll get you safely back on the road in no time!

SysTech Automotive offers Tire Services in Fredericksburg, Virginia & Brodhead, Wisconsin.

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